%0 Journal Article %T La teorizaci¨®n filos¨®fica sobre la ciencia en el siglo xx (y lo que va del xxi) %A Lorenzano %A Pablo %J Discusiones Filos¨®ficas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the scientific activity produces results of various types. in particular, science produces a special kind of knowledge or knowledges, assumed to be different from knowledge or common sense knowledge, from everyday experience and formulated in ordinary language; a more systematized knowledge, with greater range and accuracy, and intersubjectively controllable. to produce this kind of knowledge (or knowledge), we introduce new concepts, formulate hypotheses and laws and, ultimately, construct theories, being the result of a practice or specific activity, considering science as (perhaps), the supreme intellectual achievement of mankind. thus the philosophical theorizing of science or "philosophy of science", is characterized by the development of interpretative conceptual frameworks of philosophical character or philosophical theorizing, in order to understand science. the philosophy of science is, not just part of metascience, but also a part of philosophy, precisely that which is responsible for analyzing science. %K science %K metatheoretical structuralism %K philosophy of science %K metascience %K metatheory %K philosophical theorizing. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0124-61272011000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en