%0 Journal Article %T Uso de tecnolog¨ªa de colaboraci¨®n virtual en el diagn¨®stico prenatal %A D¨ªaz %A Otto Mart¨ªn %A Llanusa Ruiz %A Celia %A Nodarse Rodr¨ªguez %A Alfredo %A Pe£¿a Abreu %A Ram¨®n %J ACIMED %D 2012 %I Centro Nacional de Informaci¨®n de Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X when considering the necessity of the professionals of the health to have routes of collaboration and interchange with even colleagues, supported tests of virtual collaboration were made in kindness that offers the service elluminate live, or simply elluminate, for the transmission of images, which is available through the network of infomed. the evaluation of the patients through this room of virtual discussion allowed the analysis of complex cases for the prenatal diagnosis with the participation of fetal medicine experts, and possibilities considered in each one you diagnose and conducts to follow. elluminate provides an alternative option with telemedicina with few resources and facilitates the valuation of images until in places difficult, with the participation of specialists of high level. the facilities of this tool, can extend to the transmission of images in any medical specialty that requires opinion of experts, interdisciplinary interchange and opportune decision making. %K diffusion by the web %K telemedicina %K ultrasound %K web. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1024-94352012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en