%0 Journal Article %T Privacidade e sigilo em deontologia profissional: uma perspectiva no cuidar pedi¨¢trico %A Nunes %A Sofia Raquel Teixeira %J Nascer e Crescer - Revista do Hospital de Crian£¿as Maria Pia %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X professional deontology reflects a set of duties involved in the exercise of health professions. organized and regulated professions have a code that directs the course of their professional practices. deontology provides a good professional exercise, and thus, deontology and bioethics remain linked since they cannot be dissociated, taking into account the highest professional potential. the professional secrecy and the duty of privacy are extremely important and they are essential requirements for the behavior of health professionals, particularly in a pediatric context. it is absolutely unquestionable the value that the child has gained over the last few decades. the child has many special features and sometimes it becomes difficult to assert their autonomy. caring for a child during the several stages of its development, is a challenge for health professionals because it requires constant effort and respect for all family context. the child cannot be separated from his family in a hospital context, so it is important to accept the family and inform its members about the treatments and interventions. communication may be an important working tool, where social and ethic values could be praised. confidentiality and privacy should be respected values in maintaining a professional conduct in accordance with competence, while respecting the child and family. %K ethics %K professional %K bioethics %K personal autonomy %K confidentiality %K privacy %K child care. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0872-07542011000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en