%0 Journal Article %T Sinostose radiocubital bilateral cong¨¦nita e agenesia cong¨¦nita do m¨²sculo depressor do angulo da boca %A Nobre %A Susana %A Campos %A Joana %J Nascer e Crescer - Revista do Hospital de Crian£¿as Maria Pia %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X introduction: congenital radiocubital synostosis (crs) is a rare deformity characterized by a merger between radius and cubit, resulting in a £¿xed position of the forearm, which may limit the performance of simple daily activities. this condition can be associated with other malformations or genetic syndromes. congenital agenesis of depressor anguli oris muscle is also a rare condition and may also be associated with other malfor-mations. case report: the authors describe the case of a seven year-old girl with bilateral crs and congenital agenesis of left depressor anguli oris muscle. the rarity of these entities and of their association prompted the authors to report this case. conclusion: paediatricians and orthopaedists should be aware of the need of investigation genetic syndrome association, other organ anomalies and inheritance pattern. %K agenesis depressor anguli oris muscle %K conge-nital radiocubital synostosis. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0872-07542011000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en