%0 Journal Article %T Susceptibilidad de genotipos de Solanum spp. al nematodo causante del nudo radical Meloidogyne spp. (chitwood) %A Gelpud Chaves %A Cristian %A Mora Marcillo %A Edwin %A Salazar Gonzalez %A Claudia %J Acta Agron¨®mica %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira %X the green orange (solanum quitoense l.) crop has decreased in its productivity due to the pathogens attack such as the root knot nematode meloidogyne spp. in the nari£¿o department of colombia, pest incidences near to 79% and losses of 50% have been reported. in this study, 45 genotypes of solanum quitoense were collected in nari£¿o and putumayo departments. four wild genotypes (s. mammosum, s. hirtum, s. marginatum and s. umbellatum) were collected to look for nematode resistance sources. nine plants of each genotype two month old were inoculated with 10000 eggs of meloidogyne spp., leaving three plants as control by each material. the evaluated variables were: plant height, pest severity, pest incidence, fresh weight (stem and root) and meloidogyne spp. prevalent species. a genotype classification was made through a pest resistance scale and regression among severity and the rest of variables to determine the effect of meloidogyne spp. over the plant genotypes. the results showed 100% nematode incidence in all genotypes, resistant genotypes 2.04%, 34.7% moderately resistant, 42.8% moderately susceptible, 18.3% were susceptible, and 2.04% highly susceptible. the sqbr05 resistant genotype, was not affected by severity. on the other hand, the pest susceptible genotype sqbc04 showed significant reductions in stem and root fresh weight (r2 = 0.71 and 0.98), the wild genotype (s. mammosum) was highly susceptible, meloidogyne incognita showed 55.31% of presence. the sqbr05 genotype is promising to be evaluated in field. %K genotype %K incidence %K meloidogyne spp. %K nematode of the root knot %K resistance %K severity %K solanum quitoense %K solanum spp.. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-28122011000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en