%0 Journal Article %T Estudo etnobotanico de Mauritia flexuosa L. f. (Arecaceae) em comunidades ribeirinhas do Munic¨ªpio de Abaetetuba, Par¨¢, Brasil %A Santos %A Ronize da Silva %A Coelho-Ferreira %A M¨¢rlia %J Acta Amazonica %D 2012 %I Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amaz?nia %R 10.1590/S0044-59672012000100001 %X the miriti (mauritia flexuosa l.f.) is of great cultural and economic importance in the county of abaetetuba, par¨¢ state, principally to make artisanal crafts and products. given the significance of this species in abaetetuba the purpose of this study was to gather information on the use of these fronds. a representative sample from four abaetetuba communities, sirituba, tauer¨¢, acaraqui and arapapuzinho (n=45), was selected to participate in a local mapping workshop conducted by the miriti project, executed by cifor (centro internacional de pesquisa florestal). research was conducted through semi-structured interviews, free listing, non-specific frame elicitation and participant observation. an index value for informant diversity (ids) was calculated and the s£¿rensen index was used to analyze similarity between communities. a total of 26 items were crafted from palm fronds of which 15 were cited as being popular artisanal products. "paneiro", "rasa", "tipiti", "abano", "matapi" e "peneira" were considered the most culturally important. the ids between informants in the four communities for the quantity of important products showed a high uniformity. the highest index of similarity was encountered between the communities of sirituba and acaraqui and the lowest was encountered between arapapuzinho and acaraqui. all told, miriti is of high value to the riverine dwellers of abaetetuba. the number of craftwork items was high and although many of these products are not used on a daily basis, they are of distinct economic importance, as the marketing of these products contributes to the earnings of local residents. %K riverine amazonians %K miriti %K craftwork. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0044-59672012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en