%0 Journal Article %T EFECTO INDUCTOR DEL AGUA DE COCO SOBRE LA GERMINACI¨®N DE SEMILLAS Y BROTAMIENTO DE LOS CORMOS DE LA HIERBA DE LA EQUIS Dracontium grayumianum %A PATI£¿O TORRES %A CARLOS %A MOSQUERA GAMBOA %A FERLEY %A GONZ¨¢LEZ %A ROBERT TULIO %J Acta Biol¨®gica Colombiana %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X the objective of this study was to determine the promotional effect of coconut water, gibberellic acid, cold stratification and mechanical scarification on seed germination of dracontium grayumianum, and the effect of gibberellic acid and coconut water on the sprouting of corms of the same species. the seeds without the inductive treatment were unable to germinate, but the immersion in coconut water had significant effects, producing a germination rate of 50%, higher than the effect achieved with other treatments. the liquid endosperm of coconut also had favorable effect on the sprouting of corms under nursery conditions, like the treatment with gibberellic acid solution. this is the first report of the use of coconut water as a promoter of seed germination with high latency, which places this resource as an additional alternative, highly efficient, and cost-effective, for use in plant propagation strategies of species with seeds of deep dormancy. %K dracontium sp %K coconut water %K dormancy %K latency %K citokinins. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-548X2011000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en