%0 Journal Article %T El uso de entrevistas como fuente complementaria de informaci¨®n en investigaci¨®n en Ecolog¨ªa Marina: el estudio sobre la localizaci¨®n de las ¨¢reas de desove de Illex argentinus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) %A Crespi-Abril %A Augusto C¨¦sar %J Ecolog£¿-a austral %D 2011 %I Asociacion de Ecologia Argentina %X interview is not often used in ecology research. the use of this technique in the present study allowed determining that adult individuals of illex argentinus were present in waters of nuevo gulf between may and october through 15 years. this fact was used as a validation for the model that predicts that spawning areas of the species would be located in near-shore waters, reinforcing the hypothesis that the individuals of the species spawns mainly in coastal waters rather than over the slope. %K qualitative methods %K argentinean squid %K argentinean shelf %K puerto madryn. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1667-782X2011000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en