%0 Journal Article %T Caracteriza£¿£¿o flor¨ªstica e estrutural das florestas naturalmente fragmentadas no Parque Estadual do Guartel¨¢, munic¨ªpio de Tibagi, estado do Paran¨¢ %A Carmo %A Marta Regina Barrotto do %A Assis %A Marco Antonio de %J Acta Botanica Brasilica %D 2012 %I Sociedade Bot?nica do Brasil %R 10.1590/S0102-33062012000100015 %X the araucaria forest in the region of campos gerais in paran¨¢ is naturally fragmented, and is found in patches (cap£¿es) or along watercourses. the goal of this study was to characterize the structure of these fragments and to evaluate correlations between species distribution and soil variables in parque estadual do guartel¨¢, in the tibagy municipality (24¡ã39'10"s, 50¡ã15'25"w). fifty 10x10m plots were allocated, which were distributed in cap£¿es of different sizes and in the forest that follow the iap¨® river, and all individuals were sampled that were > 3m tall. a high number of species (140) and diversity (h'=4.17) values were found; much higher than those related to mixed ombrophylous forest. the evaluation of the composition and structure revealed a flora of transition between the mixed ombrophylous forest and semideciduous seasonal forest, with a greater similarity with the latter, something that is possibly influenced by the climate. a canonical correspondence analysis (cca) identified various textures and acidity related to the distribution of abundance of the species, and revealed two distinct groups: one shaped by the plots distributed in the patches (cap£¿es), which was strongly related to the texture of the soil; and the other by the plots allocated in the gallery forest, which was associated mainly with nutrient availability. %K "campos gerais do paran¨¢" %K canonical correspondence analysis %K mixed ombrophylous forest %K tree community. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-33062012000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en