%0 Journal Article %T Study of Undescended Testes by High Frequency Ultrasound %A Onkar %A Deepali %A Onkar %A Prashant %A Mitra %A Kajal %J International Journal of Morphology %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-95022012000300053 %X undescended testes or cryptorchidism in the most common congenital anomaly of male reproductive system. the descent is multifactorial with gubernaculums playing major role. the failure of descent can be at trans-abdominal or inguino-scrotal phase. locating undescended testes is important in view of low fertility and high rate of occurrence of neoplasm in them. ultrasound is the standard imaging technique of choice in children with a non-palpable testis as it is non-invasive and does not use ionizing radiation. position of testis is also important in deciding whether patient will need abdominal or inguinal exploration. the aim was to study the position of undescended testes by high frequency ultrasound and its embryonic explanation. total 41 boys with undescended testes underwent high frequency ultrasound. the location of testis was noted followed by its size and echotexture. thirty patients had unilateral and 11 had bilateral undescended testes. the prevalence was more on right side (16 out of 30). out of total 52, 46 (88%) testis were located by ultrasound. six (12%) testes could not be located. five (10%) were retractile testes. out of remaining 41, 26 (63%) were located in inguinal canal and 15 (37%) were located in abdomen. out of 15 abdominal testes 9 were located just proximal to inguinal canal and 6 were located in deep pelvis. high frequency ultrasound was able to locate the position of undescended testes in majority (88%) of the cases. %K cryptorchidism %K ultrasound %K inguinal canal %K non-palpable testes. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-95022012000300053&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en