%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lisis de la Morfolog¨ªa del Raquis Tor¨¢cico y Lumbar en Mujeres Trabajadoras de una Cooperativa Hortofrut¨ªcola %A Muyor %A Jos¨¦ Mar¨ªa %A L¨®pez-Mi£¿arro %A Pedro A %A Casimiro %A Antonio J %A Nievas %A Antonio J %A Parr¨®n %A Tesif¨®n %J International Journal of Morphology %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-95022012000200020 %X the aim of this study was to analyze the sagittal spinal morphology of thoracic and lumbar spine in standing and sitting in women workers from a cooperative in the production, handling and marketing business of vegetable and fruit products. a total of 50 women (mean age: 43.62¡À8.43 years old) were evaluated. the spinal mouse system was used to mesasure the sagittal thoracic and lumbar curvatures in standing and relaxed sitting. the values for thoracic and lumbar curvatures were 32.74¡À8.76 and -21.66¡À19.12 in standing and 36.32¡À10.55 and -1.08¡À18.14 in sitting. a high frequency (86.0% and 68.3%) of normal thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis were found in standing posture. while sitting the 74.0% and 20.0% presented thoracic hyperkyphosis and lumbar kyphosis. in conclusion, a high percentaje of women workers presented normality values in standing posture, although a high percentage of women were found with thoracic hyperkyphosis and lumbar flexed while sitting relaxed. it is recommended that these women carry out a program to improve their actitudinal postures in their work place. %K spine %K posture %K occupational health %K kyphosis %K lordosis. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-95022012000200020&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en