%0 Journal Article %T Problemas te車ricos del medioambiente en la promoci車n cultural universitaria %A Gonz芍lez Moreno %A Maritza %J Arquitectura y Urbanismo %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X evaluations of the theoretical-practical imbalance of the cultural promotion of the environment at the polytechnic high institute jos谷 antonio echeverr赤a. the diagnosis carried out by the author states as a problem the preponderance of projects as practical solution for the environmental affectations, in spite of the cultural promotion of the theoretical problems that cause them. the aim of this study is to evaluate the theoretical-practical balance of the cultural promotion of the environment at the university in sociocultural projects to guide the extension management towards the genesis of the environmental crisis at the institute. the use of the historic-logical, specialized literature and documentary analysis methods allowed the author to reach the following results: clasificaci車n de problemas medioambientales en atenci車n a su esencia te車rica u operativa, diagn車stico de la dimensi車n sociocultural del medioambiente mediante proyectos socioculturales en el instituto, avales de instituciones, programas, redes y evento internacional classification of the environmental problems by their theoretical or operative essence, diagnosis of the sociocultural dimension of the environment by means of sociocultural projects at the institute, endorsement of institutions, programs, networks and international event. %K sociocultural dimension of the environment %K cultural promotion %K mediate theoretical problems and immediate practical problems. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-58982012000300004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en