%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lise da varia£¿£¿o temporal da estrutura de uma floresta altimontana com hist¨®rico de fogo %A Carvalho %A Lidiany Camila da Silva %A Berg %A Eduardo van den %A Fernandes %A Fernando Bonillo %J CERNE %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Lavras %R 10.1590/S0104-77602012000200006 %X the aim of this study was to evaluate the structural dynamic rates of an shrubs-tree component of a seasonal semideciduous upper montane forest, in mantiqueira mountain between 2002 and 2008. we calculated the rates of dynamic according to the number of surviving, dead individuals and recruits, as well as the rates of dynamic for gain and loss of basal area. we verified the spatial differences among the rates along the vegetation gradient parallel to ground elevation. we also studied the correlations between the rates and biotic (initial numbers of trees and initial basal area) and abiotic parameters (altimetric quota). we verified that recruitment was higher than mortality, and the gain of basal area was higher than the loses. this result suggests that the forest is expanding, with gain in number of individuals and in basal area. normally, this result characterizes forests in recuperation after some disturbance. the community sectors (basis, middle and top of hillside) didn't show any differences in terms of dynamic rates. in general, there were few significant correlations between biotic and abiotic parameters and the dynamic rates. the increase of density and basal area, the similarity of dynamic rates among the sectors and the low correlation between parameters and the dynamic of forest's structure point out that the forest burning occurred in 90's could be, nowadays, interfering directly in dynamic rates of forest. %K vegetation gradient %K structural dynamic %K burning. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-77602012000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en