%0 Journal Article %T Las redes sociales de Internet: tambi¨¦n dentro de los h¨¢bitos de los estudiantes universitarios %A Parra Castrill¨®n %A Eucario %J Anagramas -Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicaci¨®n- %D 2010 %I Universidad de Medell¨ªn, Sello Editorial %X analyze the university students belonging to social networks on the internet is an issue that says three fundamental concepts: the existence of built-in network society to reality along with other presences as expressed in nature and city life; the proximity of cyberspace in the same shape of the public square, school, family or work, and the potential of internet as a generator of satisfaction for some human needs. these realities justify the attraction of social networking. aspects such as the cross or the ubiquitous presence cause the nodes to commit as producers and consumers of information. added to this is that these networks people can easily express themselves, be heard, share identities with common delight. of course, it can be assumed to be harmful environments or that such communities themselves are trivial. in fact part of the coexistence in the virtual network is an extension of everyday social relations. nor can it be inferred that its free and easy access, social networks are directly related to the dangers to the integrity of people and that being there is and the way to abuse and be abused. previous to stay in networks that education received from family, school, neighborhood. go online to a straw or other options are emerging in people's values. the emergence of social networks as a meeting point between people determines fears and judgments, sometimes hurried. thus come to realize that college students are not a good choice, when in reality for this audience the network is also attractive. they do not go to the networks for their academic inquiries, but without coming within these, if they are for personal and satisfactions to search some of their needs. %K infovirtual %K virtual world %K social network %K network society %K virtuality. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1692-25222010000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en