%0 Journal Article %T Matem¨˘tica para arquitectos: convergencias conceptuales y experiencias pedag¨®gicas integradas con Expresi¨®n Gr¨˘fica %A Crespo Estrada %A Miriam Caridad %A Sanabria Ortega %A Karen %A Guerra Astorga %A Carlos %J Arquitectura y Urbanismo %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X since 1990, the continue iterations of integration between different knowledge areas has been successful factors in architecture and urbanism teaching in cuba. the need for that integration regarding the basic disciplines is constantly revealed in the curriculum design. this paper shows the evolution of mathematics teaching in the architects training, as well as some pedagogical experiences about the integration of mathematics and graphical expression subjects. different integration levels are recognized in this work. on the other hand, some fundamental aspects to take into consideration for the design of a strategy to obtain better results are identified: teachers' training, methodological work, problem-solving learning, and the teaching-research relationship among them. %K curriculum design %K pedagogical experiences %K integration strategies. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1815-58982012000300012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en