%0 Journal Article %T Revisi¨®n de la gram¨¢tica emergente: lenguajes, jovenes y mediaciones TIC %A Bar¨®n Pulido %A Mireya %J Anagramas -Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicaci¨®n- %D 2011 %I Universidad de Medell¨ªn, Sello Editorial %X this review article is based on two points of view: the first one is related to characterization of new information and communication technologies (nict) and the mediations in the university educational context; the second one show a tendency nict research results have had in latin america and europe during the last 5 years. documents consulted involve both qualitative and quantitative studies; documents were taken from indexed databases and approaches involve the psychological context and the educational, communicational, and anthropological-cultural contexts recognizing the existence of the net generation (''net generation'': oblinger, 2005; nativos digitales: piscitelli, 2009; multitasking generation; gruffat, 2004). product of this documentary review, the research design emerges: ''semiosis en sistemas s¨ªgnicos y mediaciones tic en poblaci¨®n estudiantil polit¨¦cnico grancolombiano-colombia'' registered with colciencias in year 2011. %K ntic %K mediations %K studies. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1692-25222011000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en