%0 Journal Article %T Biolog¨ªa reproductiva de Crotalaria micans Link (Fabaceae): Especie colonizadora de amplia distribuci¨®n geogr¨¢fica %A Villalobos %A Soraya %A Ram¨ªrez %A Nelson %J Acta Bot¨¢nica Venezuelica %D 2010 %I Fundaci¨®n Instituto Bot¨¢nico de Venezuela Dr. Tob¨ªas Lasser %X the reproductive biology of crotalaria micans was studied in disturbed areas of the remainder of cloudy forest of altos de pipe (ivic), miranda state, venezuela. the flowers open progressively from the 6:00 h until the 10:00 h with a longevity of four days. the average number of flowers opened by inflorescence were 3 (1-6). the secretion of nectar begins between the 14:30 and 15:00 h, the maximum volume is 1 ¦Ìl/h. the flowers are visited by carpenter bees (xylocopa sp.), apis melifera, and ants (solenopsis sp.). the activity of the visitors occur during the morning and afternoon. xylocopa sp. was the visitor that established direct contact with the stigma. more than 50% of floral biomass is allocated to the corolla, and therefore to attraction. reproductive/vegetative biomass ratio was 0,28, which indicate an unbalanced biomass allocation between perianth and reproductive parts. however, the characteristics of investment of biomass and the pollen/ovule ratio do not coincide with the results of the controlled crossings and they suggest a xenogamous reproductive system. the autogamous behavior is explained as consequent with the history of life of the plant and its survival in perturbed atmospheres. the comparison of the reproductive trait of c. micans in the studied area does not differ of the features expressed in a similar study carried out previously in a temperate south american area; this indicates that the geographical variation does not represent a factor that influences the reproductive behavior of the species. %K crotalaria %K floral biomass %K inselfin %K melittophyly %K pollen/ovule ratio %K reproductive efficience %K self -compatibility %K self-pollination. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0084-59062010000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en