%0 Journal Article %T Organizaci¨®n del trabajo e innovaci¨®n: Un estudio comparativo entre ramas productivas argentinas %A Erbes %A Anal¨ªa %A Roitter %A Sonia %A Delfini %A Marcelo %J Econom¨ªa: teor¨ªa y pr¨¢ctica %D 2011 %I UAM, Unidad Iztapalapa, Departamento de Econom¨ªa %X this paper analyzes work organization features within companies belonging to different argentinean production networks as well as their relationship with innovation processes. the research is based on a survey applied to automotive, clothing, agricultural machinery, and iron and steel production networks. a cluster analysis and logit models have been used. the study concludes that, in a context where low complexity work organization style prevails, beneficiai innovative dynamics stands out among learning organizations. %K work organization %K innovation %K production networks. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0188-33802011000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en