%0 Journal Article %T Caracteriza£¿£¿o morfol¨®gica do fruto, semente, plantula e planta jovem e germina£¿£¿o de Inga ingoides (Rich) Willd %A Braz %A Maria do Socorro Souto %A Freitas %A Suzana de Lourdes Sousa %A Campos %A Maria Auxiliadora Leal %A Miranda %A Di¨ºgo Dourado Oliveira Amazonas de %A Cosme %A Michelle Cavalcanti %J CERNE %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Lavras %R 10.1590/S0104-77602012000300001 %X the aim of this research was to describe and illustrate the morphological characters of the fruits, seeds, seedling, sapling and phase of germination of inga ingoides (rich) willd. for the description of the external morphological aspect 100 fruits were used and the following measurements were observed: type, shape, length, surface, color, dehiscence, pericarp type and number of seeds per fruit. the study of the morphological characteristics of the seeds used 100 seeds in order to observe the: shape, length, surface of the testa, color and cotyledons type, position and the embryo description (type and the form of the hypocotyls axis). the analysis of the morphological characterization of the germination phase was performed in a controlled environment (laboratory conditions),280 c ambient temperature and relative humidity of 70%, that was followed until the appearance of the first metaphylls, after that it was discarded. the sapling phase it was observed during a period of 28 days in ideal greenhouse conditions and the following measurements were observed: emergency type,root type, hypocotyls type, cotyledons, epicotyls and metaphylls type.considering the results, were observed that the fruits of inga ingoides (rich) willd, are a legume type, nucoide legume subtype presenting 4 to 18 seeds. the shape of the seeds varies between obvate to oblong with the presence of sarcotesta and semihypogeal germination. the seedling and sapling presents compounds methaphylls with winged petiole, coriaceous texture, dark green upper surface (adaxial) , light green lower surface (abaxial) with stipule. %K forest seeds %K leguminosas %K morphology. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-77602012000300001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en