%0 Journal Article %T La pizarra como medio de ense£¿anza %A ¨¢lvarez Ponce %A Vivian A %A Alonso Ur¨ªa %A Rosa Mar¨ªa %A Mu£¿iz Rizo %A Milagros E %A Brito Ruiz %A Alicia %J Educaci£¿3n M£¿£¿dica Superior %D 2013 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X introduction: because the blackboard is the most traditional teaching aid and all the classrooms have one, one must make a full use of the potentialities and the pedagogic value that it may give us. objectives: to determine the importance of the blackboard as a teaching aid for the professors and the students, as well as the benefits it brings. methods: an exploratory research was conducted in professors of gynecology and obstetrics, and in students of "dr miguel enriquez" faculty of medical sciences. the exploration technique was the survey. results: seventy five percent of the surveyed professors recognized the importance of blackboard with a usage frequency of 87.5 %. in this surveyed group, 55.2 % agreed that this teaching aid was important and 59% stated that it facilitated to have better understanding of topics, and memorizing. conclusions: it was found that surveyed professors and students admit the importance of blackboard for the teaching/learning process and they use it daily. %K teaching aid %K blackboard. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-21412013000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en