%0 Journal Article %T Competencias y desempe£¿o profesional pedag¨®gico hacia un modelo del profesor de la carrera de Medicina %A Oramas Gonz¨¢lez %A Ren¨¦ %A Jord¨¢n Severo %A Tamine %A Valc¨¢rcel Izquierdo %A Norberto %J Educaci£¿3n M£¿£¿dica Superior %D 2013 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X the systematization of the works of several authors on the development of the professional pedagogic competencies and performance in the field of health care and educational sciences was made. the objective was to find the theoretical referents that allow us to approach to the design of a professor model for the medicine studies at the present scenarios, based on the ruling principle of education at work. this historical and logical study made it possible to learn about the different authors and their positions with respect to competencies and to identify how the competencies of the university professor in cuba and other parts of the world have been gradually modeled. this paper presented the results of the author's research work on the competencies of the professor in the medical studies nowadays, which will facilitate to approach to the professor model for this career. %K competencies %K performance %K competence model %K medical career. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-21412013000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en