%0 Journal Article %T High pT and jets predictions with PYTHIA and HERWIG in p-p collisions at ¡ÌS = 14 TeV at LHC %A Casanova D¨ªaz %A Amaya %A Conesa Balbastre %A Gustavo %A Garc¨ªa Tr¨¢paga %A Cesar %J Nucleus %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X abstract high momentum direct photons and hadrons are produced at the lhc and the alice experiment measures and identifies them with the help of its calorimeters and tracking system. this studydeals with the production of such particles in p-p collisions at ¡Ìs = 14 tevby using two monte carlo generators (pythia and herwig) and next to leading order (nlo) predictions. the results show a good agreement among them. special attention was given to the production of direct prompt photons and the use of isolation cutsfortheir identification. %K cern lhc %K proton-proton interactions %K monte carlo method %K particle production. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-084X2011000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en