%0 Journal Article %T "PROGRESO" BIOTECNOL¨®GICO Y POBREZA: UNA REFLEXI¨®N ¨¦TICA %A Pfeiffer %A Mar¨ªa Luisa %J Persona y Bio¨¦tica %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X our culture associates progress with scientific development and particularly with technological development. in the latin american context, this association is not as definitive as it seems to be for the "developed" countries. when attempting to integrate the biotechnological-progress equation into the reality of life in latin america, all sorts of conflicts emerge, especially ethical ones, such as transforming agricultural traditions with genetically modified seeds and using our people as objects of experimentation. there is no ethical justification for taking advantage of the difficulties suffered by the majority of the world's population, including latin americans, for the benefit of only a few. the proposal is to turn these communities into protagonists. they should not be recipients of a cultural tradition that often is foreign to them. %K progress %K biotechnology %K latin america %K genetically modified seeds. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-31222011000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en