%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n de un taller pr芍ctico sobre higiene de manos impartido por estudiantes entrenados %A Fern芍ndez-Prada %A Mar赤a %A Gonz芍lez-Cabrera %A Joaqu赤n %A Ortega-L車pez %A Yolanda %A Mart赤nez-Bell車n %A Mar赤a %A Fern芍ndez-Crehuet %A Milagros %A Bueno-Cavanillas %A Aurora %J Educaci車n M谷dica %D 2012 %I Fundaci車n Educaci車n M谷dica %R 10.4321/S1575-18132012000300007 %X introduction. the teaching and learning of hand hygiene in the context of health is a complex task. there is little discussion in the literature regarding the student involvement as the leader of his own background. the main objective of this study is the evaluation of a workshop on hand hygiene managed, directed and delivered, under expert supervision, by students at the same student group. subjects and methods. an evaluation pre-post about technique, knowledge and attitudes of participants towards hygiene. attended by 40 students of health sciences at the university of granada. we conducted two evaluations of the workshop by: a questionnaire designed ad hoc with 12 items on knowledge and attitudes, and the direct observation of hand hygiene technique and quality of the processing with an ultraviolet lamp and a reactive solution for it. results. after the workshop, it shows how significantly reduces the number of contaminated areas hands (t = 9.278; p < 0.000) and how it significantly improves hand hygiene technique for each of the seven steps outlined world health organization (p < 0.001). the difference between the overall mean questionnaire scores before and after the workshop was also significant (t = -4.662;p < 0.000). conclusions. the taught workshop improved attitudes, knowledge and technique of hand hygiene with alcohol solution between the participants. %K hand hygiene %K health education %K student leadership. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1575-18132012000300007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en