%0 Journal Article %T Utilizaci¨®n de recursos faun¨ªsticos y materias primas l¨ªticas durante el Holoceno tard¨ªo en la cordillera de Chile central: un enfoque integrador desde Calet¨®n Los Queltehues %A Labarca Encina %A Rafael %A Galarce Cornejos %A Patricio %J Intersecciones en antropolog£¿-a %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article evaluates long-term trends in change and continuity of lithic and faunal use strategies in hunter-gatherer contexts in the central chilean cordillera from technological and behavioral perspectives. the main objective of the analysis is to articulate both lines of evidence from a behavioral and technological perspective in order to infer unknown elements of the function and organization of activities in this kind of archaeological context. as an initial example, the archaic iv and early ceramic (5000-1000 bp) components from a classic site located in the upper valley of the maipo river, calet¨®n los queltehues, were analyzed in detail. the results do not show significant variation between the periods in exploited taxa, skeletal part frequencies, cultural modifications, or fragmentation of bone remains. likewise, lithic raw materials employed, morpho-functional categories, and types of debris remained relatively constant. in terms of changes, there were differences in deposition rate, frequency of natural modification, and diversity of use/discard activities of lithic remains, interpreted as different intensities and re-occupation of the site rather than changes in its functionality. %K hunter-gatherers %K central chile %K late holocene %K zooarchaeology %K lithic tecnology. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1850-373X2012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en