%0 Journal Article %T IMAGINARIOS SOCIALES DE DONANTES VOLUNTARIOS DE SANGRE EN UN PUNTO FIJO DE RECOLECCI¨®N. BOGOT¨¢-COLOMBIA %A Cruz Berm¨²dez %A Harold Fabi¨¢n %A Moreno Collazos %A Jorge Enrique %A Angarita Fonseca %A Adriana %A Calder¨®n Serrano %A Claudia Yaneth %A Mart¨ªnez Fonseca %A Silvia In¨¦s %A Restrepo %A M¨®nica %J Investigaciones Andina %D 2011 %I Fundaci¨®n Universitaria del ?rea Andina %X introduction: the voluntary donation of blood is a challenge for blood banks; it is intended for blood donations to be increased, once the preconceptions in the process become known. objective: establish the main social preconceptions related to the voluntary donation of blood. methods: a descriptive transversal study of a sample of 100 adults. the data was gathered through the application of surveys conducted during the months of july to december of 2010. the variables were: age, sex, origin, social andfinancial status, level of education and main preconceptions related to the donation of blood. a descriptive analysis was conducted; the software used was epilnfo version 3.5.1. results: the main preconception for women was "gaining weight" with a 70.59%, while for men it was "blood is commercialized" with a 36.36%. discussion: the age described in the study and the social and cultural aspects behave according to those predetermined; the social preconceptions are established mainly by the feminine gender with the weight increase. conclusion: the social preconceptions allow for the subjects to have a greater negative predisposition towards donating blood. %K blood %K blood donation %K blood banks. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0124-81462011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en