%0 Journal Article %T COSTO-EFECTIVIDAD DE UN PROGRAMA DE ACTIVIDAD F¨ªSICA, DIRIGIDA EN UN DEPARTAMENTO DE COLOMBIA %A Preciado Mart¨ªnez %A Diana Carolina %A Tovar Cuevas %A Jose Rafael %A Correa Bautista %A Jorge Enrique %J Investigaciones Andina %D 2012 %I Fundaci¨®n Universitaria del ?rea Andina %X introduction: the involvement of actividad fisica dirigida (directed physical activity), afd, in the municipalities of cundinamarca, deserve an effective and cost-effective evaluation which will in turn contribute to the programs of actividad fisica (physical activity) , af and to the development of a dynamic process of evaluation of this type in colombia. methods: a retrospective evaluation of n= 214 was done, with the participation of the afd, and measurements were taken with cardio- anthropometric indicators during 18 months. inquiries were made about the direct costs of afd and the health service for ecnt. results: the findings revealed an effect of physical activity over anthropometry and clinical indicators such as blood pressure, achieving a lower risk. conclussion: afd's involvement is effective in the reduction of risk factors for ecnt, and cost effective to lower the costs in health care up to 80%. %K motor skills %K cost - benefit analysis %K handicap evaluation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0124-81462012000500002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en