%0 Journal Article %T A quest£¿o do m¨¦todo e da metodologia: uma an¨¢lise da produ£¿£¿o acad¨ºmica sobre professores(as) da regi£¿o Centro-Oeste/Brasil %A Magalh£¿es %A Solange Martins Oliveira %A Souza %A Ruth Catarina Cerqueira R. de %J Educa£¿£¿o & Realidade %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S2175-62362012000200018 %X the aim of this paper is to discuss the question of method and methodology developed in academic research on teachers (s) of the graduate program in education of the midwest region, 1995 to 2009. the activities already carried out cover survey of the production, unabridged reading of the works, and their subsequent records and analysis. elected the following categories of analysis: theme, theoretical, method, methodology, type of research, education and conceptions of teaching. the results demonstrate the difficulties in finding placement conceptual and methodical and methodological improvement of production. they point to the need for more rigorous theoretical and methodological, which implies the clarity of intent methodical, and gnostic ontological choices of the researchers. %K educational research %K teacher %K research method %K teachers training. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2175-62362012000200018&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en