%0 Journal Article %T M芍s All芍 del Paradigma de la Alfabetizaci車n: La Adquisici車n de Cultura Cient赤fica como Reto Educativo %A D赤az %A Irene %A Garc赤a %A Myriam %J Formaci車n universitaria %D 2011 %I Centro de Informaci車n Tecnol車gica (CIT) %R 10.4067/S0718-50062011000200002 %X this paper discusses some of the most significant aspects that in the educational context have emphasized the tradition of the so-called science and technology studies (sts). the sts have significantly changed the conception of science and technology, but the educational paradigm in science and technology teaching continues to manage the old positivist model. this has produced a significant gap between science and technology presented in the classroom and those that students actually need. it is concluded that the notion of scientific culture proposed will better provide the skills that students need to live in the present techno-scientific world. %K sts studies %K scientific culture %K literacy %K scientific and technologic education. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-50062011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en