%0 Journal Article %T Gram¨˘tica y gram¨˘ticas: entre el formalismo y el funcionalismo %A Santiago Galvis %A ¨˘lvaro William %J Folios %D 2011 %I Universidad Pedag¨®gica Nacional %X in this work the different concepts that the word grammar has are presented, from the prescriptive perspective, referred to the organizational system of the language, rules and principles involved in the construction of words, phrases and sentences; passing through non-prescriptive perspective, which has a scientific orientation that studies the words systematically, their kinds, combinations, relations and meanings that may be assigned to them; up to that related to specific linguistic approaches, or every theory or model of analysis that has been proposed to address a verbal system. it is from this latter conception that the basic assumptions of formalist and functionalist programs are. the first one as a formal unit of description and explanation in grammar which seeks to clarify the human mind's ability to produce and understand utterances, regardless of nonverbal factors, while the latter emphasizes in the communicative function of language, so that grammar is subject to extralinguistic factors. %K grammar %K language %K tongue %K formalism %K functionalism. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-48702011000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en