%0 Journal Article %T Hydroacoustic assessment of fish and Chaoborus (Diptera-Chaoboridae) distribution in three Neotropical lakes %A Bezerra-Neto %A Jos¨¦ Fernandes %A Brighenti %A Ludmila Silva %A Mello %A Nelson Azevedo Santos Teixeira de %A Pinto-Coelho %A Ricardo Motta %J Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S2179-975X2012005000023 %X aim: this study aims to demonstrate the potential of hydroacoustics in the study of behavior of the invertebrate chaoborus and fish in neotropical water environments; methods: synoptic campaigns were conducted in may and june-2008 in dom helv¨¦cio and carioca lakes, at the parque estadual do rio doce (mg), and nado reservoir, belo horizonte (mg). the acoustic scattering of targets was studied using a downward-oriented split-beam 200 khz echosounder; results: we detected clear echo signals from fish and chaoborus larvae, which can be viewed in high density in all environments studied. the normal migratory behavior of the larvae of chaoborus could be easily monitored in the dom helv¨¦cio lake and the nado reservoir. however, this behavior was not seen in carioca lake; conclusions: this study revealed the potential application of acoustic approaches to study the behavior of fish and zooplankton organisms in freshwater aquatic systems. %K echo-sounding %K chaoborus %K vertical distribution %K fish %K zooplankton. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2179-975X2012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en