%0 Journal Article %T Efecto de la zona de m¨ªnimo ox¨ªgeno sobre la migraci¨®n vertical de zooplancton gelatinoso en la bah¨ªa de Mejillones %A Apablaza %A Pedro %A Palma %A Sergio %J Investigaciones marinas %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-71782006000200009 %X the seasonal distribution and vertical migration of gelatinous zooplankton collected in mejillones bay was analyzed. the 39 species identified included 14 hydromedusae, 20 siphonophores, and 5 chaetognates. the dominant species were obelia spp., liriope tetraphylla, solmundella bitentaculata, rophalonema velatum, muggiaea atlantica, sphaeronectes gracilis, sagitta enfiata, and s. bierii. their vertical distribution and nictimeral migration ranges were narrow due to the infiuence of the oxygen minimum zone (omz) (< 1 ml¡¤l-1), whose upper limit was quite shallow (25-50 m). in spring, the majority of the dominant species presented nictimeral movements due to the greater oxygenation of the water column. on the other hand, in summer, when the thermocline was more intense, and in winter, when the omz neared the surface, the majority of the dominant species showed no changes in their vertical distribution throughout the daily cycle. obelia spp. had a shallow distribution, related principally to the presence of the thermocline. r. velatum, however, was well adapted to the scant dissolved oxygen in the omz %K spatial-temporal distribution %K vertical migration %K oxygen minimum zone %K mejillones bay %K chile. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-71782006000200009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en