%0 Journal Article %T O campo de pesquisa em etnomodelagem: as abordagens ¨ºmica, ¨¦tica e dial¨¦tica %A Rosa %A Milton %A Orey %A Daniel Clark %J Educa£¿£¿o e Pesquisa %D 2012 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.1590/S1517-97022012000400006 %X in this article, we offer an alternative concept of research through the acquisition of emic and ethical knowledge for implementing ethnomodeling, which aims to connect the cultural aspects of mathematics with its academic aspects. from this perspective, the use of emic and ethical approaches facilitates the translation of problem situations present in the systems, extracted from the reality of distinct cultural groups, into academic mathematics. emic knowledge is essential to the intuitive and empathic understanding of the mathematical practices developed by a particular cultural group, while ethical knowledge is essential for comparing these practices. we also discuss the dialectical approach to research on ethnomodeling, which uses both emic and ethical knowledge through a dialogic process, aiding a fuller understanding of the knowledge of the mathematical practices developed by members of different cultural groups. in this sense, emic knowledge is a valuable source of inspiration for the development of ethical hypotheses. in such a dialectical context, a mathematics curriculum based on the ethnomodeling perspective favors the generation of mathematical knowledge to ensure the balanced integration of the effective mastery of educational objectives, which are essential for the recognition and use of students' emic knowledge. %K ethnomodeling %K ethnomodels %K emic approach %K ethical approach %K dialectical approach. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1517-97022012000400006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en