%0 Journal Article %T La consolidaci¨®n del Monterrey "imaginario" en el contexto de la globalizaci¨®n: "Macroproyectos" urbanos %A Prieto Gonz¨˘lez %A Jos¨¦ Manuel %J Frontera norte %D 2011 %I El Colegio de la Frontera Norte %X without ignoring functional effectiveness, cities are emphasizing seductive aesthetics as a tool for beneftting their own economy. over the last two decades, monterrey has joined a global trend that develops urban policies based on the construction of architectural and urban icons, and organizing large international cultural and sporting events, which are in themselves essential projects for transforming the city and solving its current problems. the development of urban "macroprojects" in monterrey has permitted the creation of an "imaginary city" -one that is marketable and ignores and substitutes the "real city". however, acting in this way entails its own risks, which is the subject of this article. %K urban image %K postmodernity %K public policies %K monterrey %K mexico. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-73722011000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en