%0 Journal Article %T La reutilizaci車n de la informaci車n p迆blica en la Comunidad Aut車noma de Madrid %A Cobo Serrano %A Silvia %A Sala Jim谷nez %A Andrea %A Ramos Sim車n %A L. Fernando %J Investigaci車n bibliotecol車gica %D 2012 %I UNAM, Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecol車gicas %X re-use of information was introduced by european directive 2003/98/ec and supported by the spanish law 37/2007 in order to provide a uniform approach on all aspects related to the re-use of public sector data. the study aims to characterize the information and analyze different aspects of the re-use of information in the autonomous community of madrid. the article presents the public data web portal as a result of our research and it recommends the creation of information products, standardization, control, communication and dissemination to promote the re-use of information in madrid. %K re-use of information %K autonomous community of madrid %K public sector information %K databases %K web portals %K open data. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0187-358X2012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en