%0 Journal Article %T La responsabilidad social universitaria como estrategia de vinculaci¨®n con su entorno social %A Mart¨ªnez de Carrasquero %A Cynthia %A . Mav¨¢rez %A Ram¨®n J %A Rojas %A P %A Ligibther A %A Carvallo %A Belkis %J Fr¨®nesis %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the purpose of this investigation is to propose strategic guidelines that articulate university functions, such as teaching, research and extension, with an eye to strengthening the university-social environment connection using a university social responsibility approach. the study employs a descriptive, analytical field methodology, using a sample represented by the central extension council of the university of zulia and its varied extension divisions in the different schools. among the variables measured by the instrument were social responsibility, university extension and university-social environment, with its different indicators. some results demonstrated that the greatest social responsibility practice (37%) refers to technology transfer through advising communities. likewise, weak trade-union participation was noted in these activities, reflecting that only administrative and working staff stands out in this item with a 40% participation. conclusions indicated that little university extension culture was shown, related fundamentally to an unbalanced functioning of the academic activities. due to this, the present proposal offers guidelines to define a clear interest in social responsibility, establish lasting alliances with the environment, use communications media as true social transformation agents, systematize the social responsibility actions carried out, among others, so that these guidelines serve as a basis for drawing up development plans with a culture of extension on behalf of the general university community. %K social responsibility %K social engagement %K extension %K university-social environment connection. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1315-62682008000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en