%0 Journal Article %T VIH/SIDA EN COLOMBIA: AN¨˘LISIS DE LA RELACI¨ŽN ENTRE DE LA DESIGUALDAD SOCIAL, SALUD Y CONFLICTO ARMADO 2002-2008 %A Malag¨Žn Rojas %A Jeadran Nevardo %J Investigaci¨Žn y Desarrollo %D 2011 %I Universidad del Norte %X this study will illustrate the relationship between social inequality, hiv/ aids and armed conflict in colombia 2002 - 2008. methods: the study variables were determined according to the risk index of humanitarian situation. the data provided were crossed and studied by means of bivariate analysis. results: the analysis of the results showed two trends. a group of departments with higher than the national average human development index (hdi), which showed high rates of armed violence and incidence of hiv/aids. another group, with low hdi, high rates of armed violence, but low rates of incidence of hiv/aids. conclusions: in the case of colombia a relationship has shown between armed conflict, social inequality and hiv/aids. although there is a causal link is fully identifiable for populations where the armed conflict has affected the implementation of the health surveillance services. %K hiv %K aids %K colombia %K armed conflict. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-32612011000200001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en