%0 Journal Article %T Estudo da anatomia do nervo tibial e seus ramos ao n¨ªvel do ter£¿o distal da perna %A Torres %A Andr¨¦ Leal Gon£¿alves %A Ferreira %A Marcus Castro %J Acta Ortop¨¦dica Brasileira %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia %R 10.1590/S1413-78522012000300005 %X objective: determine, through dissection in fresh cadavers, the topographic anatomy of the tibial nerve and its branches at the ankle, in relation to the tarsal tunnel. methods: bilateral dissections were performed on 26 fresh cadavers and the locations of the tibial nerve bifurcation and its branches were measured in millimeters. for the calcaneal branches, the amount and their respective nerves of origin were also analyzed. results: the tibial nerve bifurcation occurred under the tunnel in 88% of the cases and proximally in 12%. as for the calcaneal branches, the medial presented with one (58%), two (34%) and three (8%) branches, with the most common source occurring in the tibial nerve (90%) and the lower with a single branch per leg and lateral plantar nerve as origin most common (70%). level of evidence, v expert opinion. %K tarsal tunnel syndrome %K tibial nerve [anatomy & histology] %K peripheral nerves %K cad¨¢ver %K dissection. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1413-78522012000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en