%0 Journal Article %T Suplementa£¿£¿o de vitamina C n£¿o acelera o processo de consolida£¿£¿o de fratura da t¨ªbia em ratos %A Giordano %A Vincenzo %A Albuquerque %A Rodrigo Pires e %A Amaral %A Ney Pecegueiro do %A Chame %A Cristiano Curcio %A Souza %A Fabio de %A Apfel %A Mara ¨ªbis Rodrigues %J Acta Ortop¨¦dica Brasileira %D 2012 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Ortopedia e Traumatologia %R 10.1590/S1413-78522012000100001 %X objective: to investigate the role of ascorbic acid supplementation on bone healing after rat tibia fracture. methods: thirty male wistar rats were randomly divided into vitamin c (group a) and sham (group b) groups (15 rats each). group a received 200 mg intraperitoneally per kg per day of ascorbic acid and group b was given saline 5 ml per kg per day intraperitoneally once a day. the animals were caged in pairs and allowed free access to tap water and a standard rodent chow ad libitum. fractures were produced manually, they were not stabilized, and unprotected weight-bearing was allowed. at two, four, and six weeks post-fracture, the rats in both groups were anesthetized and sacrificed by cervical dislocation. callus tissue was dissected, prepared, and analyzed histologically. histomorphological analysis was performed at six weeks post-fracture and the extent of fracture healing was determined using a five-point scale. results: there were no histological and histomorphological differences between drug-treated animals and the shamin the three different stages studied. by six weeks post-fracture, the five animals of each group had a complete bone union. conclusion: under the studied conditions, intraperitoneal vitamin c supplementation does not accelerate the fracture healing process after experimental tibia fracture in rats. level of evidence: level 2, individual study with experimental design. %K ascorbic acid %K fracture healing %K tibial fractures. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1413-78522012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en