%0 Journal Article %T TAREA Y COMPETENCIA COMUNICATIVAS: REFLEXIONES DESDE UN GRUPO FOCAL* %A Vallejo G¨®mez %A Mercedes %A Mart¨ªnez Mar¨ªn %A Juan Diego %J ¨ªkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura %D 2011 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X the objective of this article is to describe a foreign language learning management proposal erected from the identification and organization of a communicative task that functions as an articulating element in the communicative competence development. this research proposal was conducted under the action research bases and under the support of participant-teachers within the intention of creating a collaborative work supported on the reflection, critical dialogue and transformation (burns, 1999). a teachers' focus group was set, journals were made, a diagnostic survey was conducted as well as some semi-structured interviews to teachers; and a learning and teaching management guide was built collaboratively. as a result, we obtained the construction of a guidance document, as one of the partial findings of this ongoing research, that takes into account the communicative competence as a part of an integral concept of language that conveys social agents into specific situations of intercultural communication and that takes into account the following: the definition of a communicative task; the pre-tasks planning leading to the achievement of the communicative task; the task assessment through formative strategies; the activation of learning strategies; the development of some tasks in physical and virtual environments; and the teacher's reflections once the cycle has been completed. the re-validation of the activities suggested by teachers in the foreign language learning process constitutes itself into integrating factor for the development of a communicative task which has inputs and outputs materialized in a series of different instruments concerning comprehensive, interactive and productive conditions. %K communicative competence %K communicative task %K foreign language learning %K formative assessment %K autonomy formation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-34322011000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en