%0 Journal Article %T S¨ªndrome de Kawasaki: A prop¨®sito de un infante con meningitis as¨¦ptica y cambios en la cicatriz de BCG %A Boza-Orozco %A Raquel %A Hoepker-Acevedo %A Amy %A Hern¨¢ndez de Mezerville %A Marcela %A Avila-Ag¨¹ero %A Mar¨ªa L %A Ulloa Guti¨¦rrez %A Rolando %J Acta Pedi¨¢trica Costarricense %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X we describe a 12-month-old infant referred to the hospital nacional de ni£¿os with a presumptive diagnosis of exanthema subitum, aseptic meningitis, and early schock. on day 14 of fever as the predominant symptom and after multiple visits to a peripheral hospital, he was admitted to the children£¿s hospital. at admission, the patient fulfilled kawasaki syndrome£¿s diagnostic criteria, besides aseptic meningitis and local changes in the bcg scar. a baseline echocardiogram showed coronary dilation. kawasaki syndrome should be part of the differential diagnosis of infants and children with febrile eruptive diseases; a high index of suspicion should be maintained. %K kawasaki disease %K costa rica %K coronary dilation %K bcg scar %K aseptic meningitis. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1409-00902008000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en