%0 Journal Article %T S赤ndrome nefr車tico primario en niˋos de Costa Rica: Correlaci車n cl赤nico-patol車gica %A Fern芍ndez %A Sara %A Carranza %A Alfonso %A Madrigal %A Gilbert %J Acta Pedi芍trica Costarricense %D 2005 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X introduction: percutaneous renal biopsy have made posible to evaluate the renal histology and make clinico pathological correlations (iskd). methods: a retrospective analysis in two consecutive 5 years group a and group b review of all the renal biopsies perfomed at the hospital nacional de niˋos of san jos谷, costa rica, a 350 beds pediatric teaching hospital. results: from a total of 81 cases, 14 ere excluded due to lack of complete information. from the 67 cases (group a and group b together) 37 (55%) were male and 30 (45%) were female (p less than 0.05). the age of patients with srns (steroid resistant nephritic syndrome) and with sdns (steroid dependant nephritic syndrome) had a peak age (4.8 + 3.4 years old) older than usual peak age of the idiopatic nephritic syndrome in children. of 31 patients with srns: 35% mgdgn (mild mesangial glomerulonephritis), 29% ml (minimal lesion), 29% fsgs and 6.5% mg (membranous glomerulonephiritis) (p less than 0.05). of the 27 patients with sdns 63% ml, 33% mdgn, 4% mg and none with. (p less than 0.05). the 2 patients with frns (frequently relapsing nephritic syndrome) both had ml. among the clinical parameters hematuria was the most frequently found: 47% mdgn, 27% fsgs and 27% ml. (p less than 0.05). abnormally elevated serum creatinine was rarely observed and it was only in 30% fsgs and 30% of ml. (p less than 0.05). regarding response to treatment with oral cyclophosphamide only 35% of srns responde while 75% sdns responded. (p less than 0.05). response to cyclophosphamide and the type of histology was as follows: ml: 71% responded 59% for mdgn and 50% mg. %K s赤ndrome nefr車tico idiop芍tico %K correlaci車n anatomopatol車gica %K esteroide resistente %K esteroide dependiente %K citot車xico sensible resistente. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1409-00902005000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en