%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n del desarrollo psicomotor en infantes que requirieron terapia con oxido n赤trico inhalado en el per赤odo neonatal %A Su芍rez Mastache %A Genaro %A V芍squez %A Sergio %A Campos %A Zulma %J Acta Pedi芍trica Costarricense %D 2002 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X prospective descriptive, longitudinal investigation of the frequency and types of neurodevelopmental findings between 6 and 15 months of age in 36 patients treated with inhaled nitric oxide in neonatal period for pulmonar hypertension in the neonatal unit of the hospital de niˋos. information poli included, cause of pulmonar hipertensi車n as well as the different variables (perinatal, neonatal, clinical, metabolic, radiologic, ventilatory) follow up between 6 y 15 months of life using neurologic exam, denver test 11, and clinical visual and auditive evaluation. 4 patients with neurodevelopmental delays. comparison of different variables between the 36 patients and those with disabilities show as mayor variables: 0.1. over 59 and requirement of 3 inotr車pics plus steroides or plasma in half of these patients.. study concludes that inhaled nitric oxide is an alternative for management of severe pulmonar hipertensi車n in neonates, that results efficient at the long run. %K 車xido n赤trico inhalado %K hipertensi車n pulmonar neonatal %K desarrollo psicomotor. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1409-00902002000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en