%0 Journal Article %T Apropiaci¨Žn de la finitud: Heidegger y el ser para la muerte %A Rivara %A Greta %J En-claves del pensamiento %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X is it possible to aprehend the being-there as a whole? trying to get to this comprehension, heidegger binds the theme with that of the authenticity and being-towards-death. in this way, he leads us to the reflection over death and, through this one, to the comprehension of the finite character of the being- the-re. our bieng is a possible being, wich is always in the way of not being already something. but this possibility that we always are is proyected as a whole when our existence is authentically assumed. that is, when we comprehend that our total being of our existence does not takes place in a pretended finish at death, but death as the ultimate possibility leads us to embrace in an authentic way our existence as unfinished and uncapable of coming to an end. from this consciousness we are beings wich are relatives to their death, to that death wich is in each case that of the being-there that takes conscience of his structural finitude. only because of death is every-being there an existence, that is, always opened to possibility. the structural analysis of the being-there as a whole leads us to the comprehension of the authentic being-there as that wich, borrowing bataille's expresion, makes the impossible out of his dead. %K being-there %K finitude %K authenticity %K one %K being-towards-death %K existence. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1870-879X2010000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en