%0 Journal Article %T EL ACTO M¨¦DICO: £¿UNA CREACI¨®N ORIGINAL? REFLEXIONES SOBRE SU ESENCIA, SURGIMIENTO Y RIESGOS A LOS QUE SE EXPONE %A Besio R. %A Mauricio %J Acta bioethica %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S1726-569X2010000100008 %X medicine became a teaching activity with its own methodology since the hippocratic school. as activity, it relates to those which seek to produce something, in this case the health of patients, considering this as a particular good for them. the physician, then -as all producer- must transfer an existing intervention first in his/her mind to a subject lacking health or in risk of losing it. this study tries to reflect on how the physician achieves to imagine in his/her reasoning an action that, performed in a particular patient, it will constitute in him/her a healing effect. the fundamental thesis in this reflection is that, besides using useful criteria considering a universal human being, he/she must create an intervention designed to suit a specific human being, who has a full personal complexity. %K ethics %K medical ethics %K philosophy of medicine %K humanities. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1726-569X2010000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en