%0 Journal Article %T Biolog¨ªa reproductiva de la tagua com¨²n (F¨²lica armillata) y la tagua de frente roja (F. rufifrons) en un ¨¢rea agroforestal del centro-sur de Chile %A Silva %A Carolina %A Barrientos %A Carlos %A Figueroa R %A Ricardo A %A Mart¨ªn %A Nicol¨¢s %A Contreras %A ¨¢lex %A Ardiles %A Karen %A Moreno %A Lucila %A Gonz¨¢lez-Acu£¿a %A Daniel %J Gayana (Concepci¨®n) %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-65382011000200005 %X between the breeding seasons 2008 and 2009 we studied the nesting and breeding of fulica armillata and f. rufifrons inhabiting a natural lagoon in an agro-forestry area of central-south chile. we studied the differences in characteristics of nest, eggs, incubation, hatching success and characteristics of the young, with the aim provide basic data on breeding ecology of coots in chile. in both species the breeding period started in late september, extending into late january. nesting platforms of both coots were similar in size and built with dried crossed juncus, had a circular form and shallow nest-cup. clutch sizes of f. rufifrons were almost two-fold those of f. armillata. the eggs of f. armillata distinguished from the eggs of f. rufifrons by size, weight and color pattern. incubation time in f. armillata and f. rufifrons was 27 and 26 days, respectively. f. armillata had a hatching success of 46% (88.5%, traditional method) and 62% (96%) for 2008 and 2009, respectively; while for f. rufifrons was 85% (98%) for 2008. although chicks of both species born with black downs, they exhibited an evidently different coloration pattern. in general, our observations agree with previous reports on the breeding biology of the studied coots. we believe that the description of eggs and chicks made here may become a useful guide to recognize nests of f. armillata and f. rufifrons. in addition, some of our results may have potential utility for management and conservation planning of freshwater ecosystems. %K breeding %K chile %K coot %K hatching success %K nest. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-65382011000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en