%0 Journal Article %T Estudio comparativo de biocompatibilidad entre la hemodiafiltraci車n en l赤nea y la hemodiafiltraci車n con reinfusi車n end車gena %A Cobo S芍nchez %A Jos谷 Luis %A Pelayo Alonso %A Raquel %A Menezo Viadero %A Raquel %A Cuadrado Mantec車n %A Ma Eugenia %A Villa Llamazares %A Camino %A G芍ndara Revuelta %A Magdalena %A Cepa Garc赤a %A Hortensia %A Saenz de Buruaga Perea %A Araceli %A Incera Seti谷n %A Ma Elena %A Sainz Alonso %A Rosa Ana %A Vicente Jim谷nez %A Ma Yolanda %A S芍nchez Cano %A Ma Soraya %A Garc赤a Mart赤nez %A Mirian %A Alonso Nates %A Rosa %A Paule Peˋasco %A Blanca Amalia %J Enfermer赤a Nefrol車gica %D 2012 %I Sociedad Espa?ola de Enfermer赤a Nefrol車gica %X aim: to compare biocompatibility between online hemodiafiltration (hdf) and hemodiafiltration with endogenous reinfusion. methods: observational comparative study in a population of 15 chronic hemodialysis patients randomly selected among the patients in our unit. we compared changes in hematological profile, crp level and vital signs, pre and post hemodialysis, after undergoing both hemodiafiltration techniques. comparing the differences between the parameters studied before and after each hemodialysis technique. results: platelet levels decreased more in the hdf (hdf -1,33 vs hfr -19,73 x103/mm3, p=0,005). leukocyte levels decreased in the hdf and increased with hfr (hdf -0,46 vs hfr +0,8 x103/mm3; p=0,006). regarding the leukocyte formula had mixed results: segmented hdf -1,7 vs hfr +5,4%, p<0,001; lymphocytes hdf +1,96 vs hfr -3,62%, p<0,001. with the hfr decreased crp levels less (hdf -0,05 vs hfr -0,001 mg/dl; p= ns). regarding vital signs, systolic blood pressure decreased more in the hfr than hdf (hdf -9,93 vs hfr -10,33 mmhg; p<0,001), conversely that the diastolic blood pressure (hdf -5,2 vs hfr -3 mmhg; p=0,007), and heart rate (hdf -1,46 vs hfr +1,73 lpm; p=ns). body temperature increased more with the hdf that the hfr (hdf +0,35 vs hfr +0,06 oc; p=ns). conclusions: according to our results the hfr seems more biocompatible than the hdf, probably derived by exogenous reinfusion of hdf. %K online hemodiafiltration %K hemodiafiltraton with endogenous reinfusion %K materials testing %K body temperature changes %K leukocyte count. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2254-28842012000400005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en