%0 Journal Article %T Primer Consenso Argentino para la Estandarizaci¨®n de la Determinaci¨®n de Anticuerpos Anti-Nucleares por Inmunof uorescencia Indirecta-HEp-2 %A Carballo %A Orlando Gabriel %A Ing¨¦nito %A Fernanda Beatriz %A Ginaca %A Alejandra Andrea %A Carabajal %A Patricia %A Costa %A Marta Alicia %A Balbaryski %A Jeannette %J Acta bioqu£¿-mica cl£¿-nica latinoamericana %D 2012 %I Federaci¨®n Bioqu¨ªmica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires %X antinuclear antibodies (ana) are a common feature of many systemic autoimmune diseases. their clinical significance depends on working conditions. nowadays, indirect immunofluorescence (ifi), using hep-2 cells as substrate, is the most used assay. since ifi is a subjective method, different variables should be strictly standardized to assure the quality of the results. by using hep-2 cells, not only a nuclear fluorescent pattern will be described but also cytoplasmic and different organelle patterns. in order to standardize the operative procedures, the 1st argentine consensus for aan ifi hep-2 determination took place in buenos aires on august 29, 2008, with 28 experts as participants. the most important methodological aspects were discussed and the assay was decided to be named: anti nuclear- cytoplasmic antibodies. consesus was also caicythed about the acronym for the determination, the spanish names for the different patterns and the use of internal and external quality controls. using common criteria will improve the quality of the results and optimize assay interpretation. %K antinuclear antibodies %K hep-2 %K immunofluorescence. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0325-29572012000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en