%0 Journal Article %T Pruebas de funcionalismo hep¨¢tico en pacientes con infecci¨®n viral aguda %A Larreal Espina %A Yraima Lucia %A Andrade Zambrano %A Edibel Lisett %A Cuevas Ruiz %A Yarenny Enmita %A Mendoza Rico %A Andrea Shirley %A del Valle Montiel Aguilar %A Milagros %A Levy Guiffrida %A Alegr¨ªa Cecilia %A Valero Cede£¿o %A Nereida Josefina %J Acta bioqu£¿-mica cl£¿-nica latinoamericana %D 2012 %I Federaci¨®n Bioqu¨ªmica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires %X viral hepatitis is mainly caused by the hepatitis virus, but other viruses have been associated with this clinical entity. in order to study these liver disorders, 130 patients with symptoms of acute viral infection were analized. a complete medical history and serum samples were assayed by enzyme-linked immunoassay and spectrophotometer techniques for the determination of antibodies specific to different viruses and liver func-tion tests. viral infection was confirmed in 68 patients: 22 cases (32.4%) for dengue virus (dv) 11 (16.2%) varicella zoster virus (vzv), 9 (13.2%) mumps virus (vp), 7 (10.3%) cytomegalovirus (cmv), 4 (5.9%) ep-stein- barr virus (ebv), 13 (19.1%) patients with hepatitis a virus (hav), 1 (1.5%) infected with hepatitis b virus (hbv) and 1 (1.5%) with hepatitis c virus (hcv). all viral infections showed an increase in both transaminases; in hepatitis virus infection, alanineaminotransferase (alt) (p < 0.05) predominated. the rest of the infections studied were at the expense of aspartate aminotransferase (ast). havhyperbilirubine-mia was statistically significant (p < 0.05) compared with other infections. alkaline phosphatase (alp) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (ggt) were also affected, and hypoproteinemia was stressed in dv infection. this study suggests that the biochemical tests that measure liver function, not only assess the severity and progression of the disease, but can also shed light on the cause of acute viral infection. %K liver function tests %K acute viral infection %K hepatotropic virus. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0325-29572012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en