%0 Journal Article %T Medida del colesterol de lipoprote¨ªnas de baja densidad utilizando tres metodolog¨ªas %A Querales %A Marvin %A Cruces %A Mar¨ªa Elena %A S¨¢nchez %A C¨¦sar %A Querales %A Marisel %A Rojas %A Susan %A S¨¢nchez %A Lissette %J Acta bioqu£¿-mica cl£¿-nica latinoamericana %D 2012 %I Federaci¨®n Bioqu¨ªmica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires %X considering that there is still no standard methodology for routine determination of low density lipoprotein (ldl-c) it was decided to evaluate their analytical determination using three techniques: homogeneous enzymatic determination, polyvinyl sulphate precipitation and friedewald formula. ninety-eight serum samples were processed; triglycerides (tg), total cholesterol (tc), high-density lipoprotein (hdl-c) and ldl-c were determined. mean total cholesterol was 194.46 ¡À 43.54 mg/dl, hdl-c was 51.12 ¡À 12.36 mg/dl and tg was 132.88 ¡À 76.93 mg/dl. although regression analysis showed a good correlation between ldl-c, the results showed a statistically significative difference in them when tg levels exceeded 200 mg/dl. it was mainly observed in the precipitation method and the friedewald formula, the latter values being significantly lower (ldl-c by precipitation: 141.3 ¡À 26.2 mg/dl, ldl-c by the friedewald formula: 110, 1 ¡À 35.4 mg/dl). moreover, this difference affected the proportion of individuals classified according to their coronary risk. it is necessary to compare the techniques applied in this study with beta quantification to assess which has a higher level of accuracy. %K low density lipoproteins %K homogeneous enzymatic method %K precipitation method %K friedewald formula. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0325-29572012000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en